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Wedding Dress

已有 14418 次阅读2010-11-23 15:32 |系统分类:技术|

 Wedding Dress
Submitted by: Bliss!™
This is one of the more popular games played at bridal showers. We divided the guests (including me and my bridesmaids) into teams of three. Each team was handed four rolls of white toilet paper (recycled, of course) and were given 20 minutes to design a wedding dress. Each team chooses a "bride" and then proceeds to design a wedding dress and wrap the "bride" within the allotted time. Each team bride was then paraded in front of the guests (it was hilarious on how some of my friends' creative juices flowed!) and votes were taken to determine the prettiest bridal gown. A gift was then awarded to the chosen bride and her design team!  
Toilet Paper and Stick
Submitted by: Bliss!™
This game is risque and insinuating but great fun! The guests were divided up into teams with all but one member holding a toilet paper roll in between her legs. The last member places a broomstick or pole between her legs. The "pole" people stand side-by-side on one end of the room while each of their team members stand in a single file on the other side of the room in front of their respective "pole" person. The goal of the game is for each member to walk (more like waddling like a duck) to their team's "pole" with the toilet paper roll between her legs and place the toilet roll onto the pole (without using her hands!). The first team to place all four rolls onto its respective team's pole wins and is awarded a prize. This was one of the best games I have ever played at a bridal shower! I have never laughed so hard! We got some great pics!  
Hot Potato
Submitted by: Bliss!™
All the guests sat around in a circle. A box was handed to me and we were told to pass the box around until the music stopped. Whoever possessed the box when the music stopped, had to wear the contents of the box. I did not want to be the bearer of the box because I feared it was a shower cap! But, at the end I was the one who had possession when the music stopped (coincidence? I think not...) and it turned out to be a wonderful floral corsage. I wore it on my chest for the rest of the party.  
The Word Game
Submitted by: Bliss!™
This game coincided with me opening up my gifts. Little did I know that one of my bridesmaids was desperately writing my verbal reactions to my lingerie gifts. After I opened up all my gifts, my bridesmaid read all my verbal reactions and said that this is what I will be saying on my wedding night! It was hilarious! I said stuff like, "How do you use this?", "Oh my gosh!", "Oh, this is wonderful!", "How do you put this on?", etc. You get the picture...  
Purse Scavenger Hunt
Submitted by: Bliss!™
Divide the guests into teams of two or three. Provide each team a list of items to be found in their purses. Each item is assigned a certain number of points. The most likely found item such as lipstick is assigned 20 points. Whereas an item such as a rock is assigned 75 points. Can you believe at my bridal shower that one of my co-workers actually had a rock in her purse? It was her lucky rock and needless to say, her team won!  
"Guess What's in the Bag!"
Submitted by: DM F. of Fairbanks, Alaska
Put samples of white powders in baggies. Number the baggies and hand out sheets of paper with the same numbers. The white powders can be sugar, flour, baking soda, etc. Without smelling or tasting guests must figure out what kind of powder is in which bags. These bags are passed around during the shower. After everyone has had a chance at every bag, the correct answers are added up and the person with the most correct answers wins a gift.  
"Kiss ____'s Ass"
Submitted by: LilSistah of San Francisco, California
A game that we played at my sister's bridal shower was entitled "Kiss ___'s Ass". On the wall we had a blown up , xeroxed picture of my sister's face and below was a sketched in picture of the rest of her body. On her rear end, there was a little red heart. Everyone took a turn being blindfolded, wearing a special lipstick (in the shape of a male's body part). Whoever kissed closest to the little heart on her rear-end won. It was a lot of fun and kept all of us laughing!  
"Don't Cross Your Legs"
Submitted by: Bliss!™
Each woman is given a clothespin to clip to the end of her skirt/dress. The purpose of the game is to NOT get caught crossing your legs at any time throughout the bridal shower. If one of the other guests catch you crossing your legs then she can grab your clothespin. The guest who collects the most clothespins, wins the game. You will be surprised at how natural it is for women to cross their legs so this will be a fun game to play as the bridal shower progresses.  
A Wedding Word Scramble
Submitted by: A. J. of London, Ontario
Choose 10 - 15 words such as: Church, wedding dress, garter, rings, flowers etc., and scramble them up. Example: 1) ruchch = church 2) dingdwe sreds - Wedding dress. Give your guests about 10 minutes to figure out the words. The guest with the most words spelled correctly wins.  
The Spice Game
Submitted by: A. J. of London, Ontario
Have ten bottles of herbs or spices with the labels covered. Have the guests guess the spices and herbs - they are allowed to smell the herbs or spices. The guest with the most correct answers may keep the spices or give them to the bride, preferably the latter.  
The Bride Leaves the Room
Submitted by: A. J. of London, Ontario
Ask the bride to leave the room. The guests are asked to write down ten or fifteen things about the bride such as what color is her hair and what are the colors of her eyes. Also, what color of clothing is she wearing, what kind of jewelry is she wearing or any other accessories. The guest with the most correct answers wins a prize.  
Door Prize
Submitted by: A. J. of London, Ontario
When the guests first arrive have them fill out a piece of paper with their wedding date or, if they are single, their birthday. The person with the date closest to the bride's wedding date wins the prize.  
Box of Recipes
Submitted by: T. E. of Houston, Texas
When my sister got married a few years ago, my aunt gave her a wedding shower. When she mailed the invitations, she included a card for each guest to write their favorite recipe on. Then at the shower, my aunt put all the cards in a recipe box and gave it to my sister as a gift from everyone.  
Newspaper Bridal Dress Game
Submitted by: Norma of Newberg, Oregon
We had the guests make a bridal dress from newspaper. The shower guests were divided into teams. Each team was given scissors, tape, and a stack of newspapers. They were to make just one part of the wedding gown: sleeve, bodice, train, skirt, veil, shoes, etc. If your shower is small, concentrate on the main parts of the wedding dress. If it is a large shower, yOur Storys will be larger and you can make assignments accordingly. The bride then must wear the gown over her clothing and pose for a picture (include a Polaroid picture for her). We have played this game at two different showers. It amazes me how creative some people can be.  
Submitted by: K. W. of Boston, Massachusetts
The best game we ever played was Bridal Shower Bingo. You make a blank grid to look like a bingo card. As the guests arrive, have them fill out the grid with gifts that they think the bride will receive. (As in the real game, Bingo, the free space is in the middle. You can write in the name of your own gift.) As the bride opens a gift, cross it off your bingo card. If you have five in a row, across or diagonally, it's Bingo! Give a prize to the first winner!  
  Tags: wedding dress   Publisher:wellbridal | Category:wedding dresses | Commentary:0 | Trackback:0 | Browse:56 strBatchCount+="spn218=218,"






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