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发表于 2010-9-14 09:03:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  从气阀工作原理来看,气阀工作性能将直接影响压缩机气缸的工作,因此,对气阀有如下要求:阻力损失小。气阀阻力损失大小与气流的阀隙速度及弹簧力大小有关。气速越高,能量损失越大;弹簧力过大,阻力损失也大,其大小按气阀运动规律的合理性准则设计确定。气阀关闭及时、迅速,关闭时不漏气,以提高机器的效率,延长使用期。寿命长、工作可靠。限制气阀寿命的主要因素是阀片及弹簧质量,一般对长期连续运转的压缩机,希望寿命达8000小时以上;对移动式、短气阀是往复活塞式压缩机中的重要部件,也是易损坏的部件之一。它的好坏直接影响压缩机的排气量、功率消耗及运转的可靠性,目前压缩机正向高速方向发展,而限制转速提高的关键问题之一就是气阀。活塞式压缩机一般都采用“自动阀”,就是气阀的开启与关闭是依靠阀片两边的压力差实现的,没有其它的驱动机构。期或间歇运转的压缩机,要求可稍低些。 From the air valve operating principles of view, air valve performance will directly affect the work of compressor tanks, air valve for the following requirements : resistance losses small. Air valve size and airflow resistance losses of valves always speed and the size of the spring-loaded edge. Gas higher speed, the greater the energy losses; Spring-loaded edge too large, the loss is great resistance, the size of the air valve movement design guidelines to determine the reasonableness of the law. Air valve closed timely, rapid, not leak closed to improve the efficiency of machines and extended use period. Long life, work reliable. Life is the main factor restricting air valve and spring-loaded valves quality, the general long-term continuous operation of the compressors to life 80 hours; For mobile, short-term or intermittent operation of compressors, may require slightly more.Air valve and piston-type compressors are to the important components is one of the components easily damaged. It will have a direct impact on the displacement compressors, power consumption and reliability of operation, the current compressor is fast direction, and rotational speed limit is one of the key issues in improving air valve. Piston-type compressors typically use the "automatic valve" that the air valve is opened and closed valves on the pressure on both sides to achieve poor, and there is no other drive.

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