



分享 砂轮的安装、平衡与修整
大魔 2010-12-6 20:38
1.砂轮的安装 在磨床上安装砂轮应特别注意。因为砂轮在高速旋转条件下工作,使用前应仔细检查,不允许有裂纹。安装必须牢靠,并应经过静平衡调整,以免造成人身和质量事故。 砂轮内孔与砂轮轴或法兰盘外圆之间,不能过紧,否则磨削时受热膨胀,易将砂轮胀裂,也不能过松,否则砂轮容易发生偏心,失去平衡 ...
689 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 磨局磨料
大魔 2010-12-6 20:37
一、影响树脂薄片砂轮使用性能的因素: 1.1砂轮特性对砂轮捷用性能影响: (1)磨料材质: 切割砂轮常用磨料有棕剐玉(A)、白刚玉(wA)、黑刚玉(BA)、黑碳化硅(c)等,最常用的是棕刚玉,因为棕刚玉有硬度高、韧性大、颗粒锋锐、适用性强且价格较其它磨料低的特点。棕刚玉按其在冶炼时还原充分与否分一级砂和二级砂 ...
710 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 木工机床
大魔 2010-12-6 20:35
适用机型: 1、木工车床:TП200,其他木工车床。 2、木工铣床:MX529(ФM),MX5212,Ф-3,X519,MX518(ФЩ-3),MX2116A,木铣2120,开榫机,开槽机。 3、木工刨床:MB403(CП30-1)MB206(438),CP6-2,MB503A(412),БP-75,CФ-6,JF5001,其他木工刨床。 1、 木工占床:296211,MK515,其他木工占床。 ...
636 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 材料分析、、、、、
546816034 2010-12-2 10:29
286 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 一天两起主轴抱死,头都大了!
双无 2010-11-27 19:49
十一月二十六日上午一台MGW10200/2型无心磨在修砂轮时突然发生主轴抱轴,操作工听到皮带有异常响声,也摸到前轴瓦发烫但没有报修,他再次启动了主轴并磨产品却感觉产品在磨削区有振动,检查圆度值已严重超标。这时他才来报修。我检查了主轴润滑油和清洗过滤器,然后换上备用主轴。晚上七点多钟接 ...
1946 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 3
分享 > Wedding Dresses
松岛枫 2010-11-23 15:37
Wedding Dresses Consultants Food/video/DJ Favors/Bridesmaids Gifts Destination Weddings Statistics Associations Articles Magazines/Journals/Books Commercial Sites Subjects Image (left): Bridal salon, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1950. From the ...
948 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 wedding dress with sleeves?
松岛枫 2010-11-23 15:36
wedding dress with sleeves? Chanel surprises with silver and shorts Chloe spring/summer 2010 collection Erdem spring/summer 2010 collection Bottega Veneta spring / summer 2010 collection Wedding dress dilemma 'solved' The boutique will sell “anything that could be worn as a wedding ...
796 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 buy wedding dresses . Let's take a look.
松岛枫 2010-11-23 15:35
buy wedding dresses . Let's take a look. With so many wedding shops, one might think that one of them will offer a bargain! Go to these stores and what you find? Expensive wedding dresses ! The price of wedding dresses can be an average of $ 2,000 to $ 4,000, and very eas ...
668 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Wedding Dresses
松岛枫 2010-11-23 15:33
Wedding Dresses Once the word spread among friends that I was planning my wedding on a budget, I was bombarded with recommendations of consignment shops to search for a wedding dress . Even penny pinchers, however, can become daunted sifting through endless thrift stores, which oftentime ...
1232 次阅读|0 个评论

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