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发表于 2010-9-14 08:20:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  ABC公司,注册地在中国上海**(以下称寄售人),与XYZ公司,注册地在**(以下称代售人),按下列条款签订本协议:This Agreement is entered into between ABC Co. (hereinafter referred to as the Consignor), having its registered office at _______, Shanghai, China and XYZ CO. (hereinafter referred to as the Consignee), having its registered office at_______, on the following terms and conditions:

% z1 b# \1 b, q. x3 m0 b! {& I ' n/ t! W! Q) K, N C- {# H1 ?

  1.寄售人将不断地把**(货物)运交给代售人代售。货物价格为市场CIF市价,约隔90天运交一次。The Consignor shall from time to time ship ______________ (commodity) to the consignee on Consignment basis at the prevailing international market prices on CIF terms. The interval between each shipment shall be approximately ninety days.

8 ?5 Y+ r( |7 @; U* G1 ]+ G, n $ H& R& {+ m% Y" H; L, e T

  2.代售人在征得寄售人对价格、条款等到同意之后,必须尽力以最好价格出售寄售商品。The Consignee must try to sell the consignments at the best possible prices after obtaining the approval of the Consignor as to price, terms, etc.

! ^6 N1 t& S ~- s ; x+ ]9 I+ \( t# W4 P: Z

  3.开始阶段,每次船运货物的价格不得超过**美元,代售人未偿付的货款不能超过**美元。Each shipment by ship at the initial stage will not exceed U.S.D.________ and the outstanding liabilities on the Consignee shall be in the vicinity of not more than U.S.D. _______ only.

$ j# v9 G7 x# V# N3 A - u) J4 X G1 V2 |, L

  4.寄售人对赊销造成的坏账不负任何责任,代售人在任何时候均负有支付寄售人货款的义务。The Consignor shall at no time be responsible for any bad debts arising out of credit sales to any _______ buyers. Making payments to the Consignor shall at all times be the sole responsibility of the Consignee.

4 V; c3 |* }# R7 p8 r ! q$ S$ Q" r: g7 J! I

  5.代售人将接受寄售人开立的以代售人为付款人的90天远期汇票,年利*%The Consignee shall accept the Bills of Exchange drawn by the Consignor on him at 90 days'sight with interest payable at ________ % per annum.

, u6 O* m8 r+ q9 e$ V * b, r$ O1 [8 E3 F7 w( {

  6.代售人以签字信托收据从寄售人银行换取包括提单在内的装运单据。The Consignee shall collect the shipping documents including B/L from the Consignor's bank against Trust Receipt duly signed by the Consignee.

; n" I" v1 `2 n7 K1 Y; A, s3 \& D, Q- z( K! y

  7.寄售人负担货物售出之前的保险费和仓储费。The Consignor shall absorb insurance premium and warehousing charges up to the date of delivery to customers.

3 C( S/ q/ v& o E$ } + Q2 C$ K) j0 b! ?7 l2 L% O+ X

  8.寄售人必须遵守**政府的规章。The consignor shall observe the regulations of the government of _________.

4 [. ?5 S5 b" ^2 F+ Y ! c: d& n2 p3 V( U

  9.本协议英文正本两份,双方各持一份。This Agreement is written in English, in two originals;each Party retains one copy.

$ Q1 T5 y% y% G$ F' j' e C- D2 Z4 G6 i# {5 X9 k

  双方确认上述内容,并于19**年5月*日签字立约,以资证明。As a token of acceptance, both parties have set their respective hands on this ______ day of May ,19______ with understanding and knowledge of the contents stated hereinabove.

9 K8 A4 w9 b; R6 J& I- |( Q2 B' T# _: z: c3 c+ b% F

  ABC公司:____________ XYZ公司:___________ (签字)(签字)ABC Co: _____________ XYZ Co: ____________ (signature) (signature) 5 r) _& ~9 w: O K0 b" h1 p

& _& C1 j6 |% K0 }+ J+ r0 p J0 f# K" \
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